binext consulting | binext, ticketing experts.
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We provide expertise, know-how and support to clients in the cultural, leisure and travel industries.
We assist you in selecting and implementing IT solutions to successfully sell tickets, control access and leverage your collected data through Business Intelligence solutions, CRM software or Revenue Management tools.
We help you innovate and reap the full benefits of your solutions and enhance customer service and experience.

Binext, ticketing experts.



Take it from the experts, you don’t want to implement a
ticketing solution not suited to your needs!
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Take it from the experts, access control is the key to securing your venues… and your revenues!
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Take it from the experts,
your data is valuable.
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Customer Relationship
Take it from the experts,
know your clients!

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Yield/Revenue management
Take it from the experts,
adapting your pricing according to your
yield and seasonality will help
maximize your revenues.
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Take it from the experts,
innovation can help you add value to your visitors
experience and improve your efficiency.
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Coordination of Ticketing and CRM

Binext coordinated and managed the teams in charge of operating the ticketing and CRM systems with an objective to improve and stabilize the services to users and provide the relevant information enabling the management team to easily monitor this activity and facilitate the decision process.

Deployment project for ticket sales, catering and shops

Binext worked from the inception of this project until its final delivery.

First for the selection of the software solution : clarify and document requirements, formalise of the scope, manage the RFP process and provide assistance in the commercial & contractual negotiation with the selected supplier.

Binext managed the implementation and deployment project :

Coordination of the project team involving functional experts, IT division, end-users and software editor.


Click here for "La Compagnie des Alpes" testimonial.

La Comapgnie des Alpes is a major European player in Ski Resort and Amusement Park industries. Binext has managed several deployment projects for their Amusement Parks division in France and abroad : Parc Asterix, Walibi Holland Dolfinarium Hardenwiik, Musée Grévin in Prague and Sindibad in Casablanca.

Examples of projects driven

Deployment project for ticket sales, catering and shops

Binext worked from the inception of this project until its final delivery. First for the selection of the software solution :  clarify and document requirements, formalise of the scope, manage the RFP process and provide assistance in the commercial & contractual negotiation with the selected supplier. Then Binext managed the implementation and deployment project :  coordination of the project team involving functional experts, IT division, end-users and software editor.

Our sales solutions in general and more particularly ticketing is a real rock in our activity. Beyond the sales transaction itself, ticketing is the beginning of the visitor’s experience as the ticket is the door opener to our sites, which is why we take a special care of this first contact with our customers. We needed a high quality support to put an ambitious ticketing strategy into action. Binext enabled many successful rollouts in Europe (Walibi Holland, Dolfinarium Harderwijk, Musée Grévin Prague) and the replacement of our administration and sales tools for retail in Parc Astérix. No doubt that the expertise and dedication of Binext have helped in designing the ticketing strategy for the future of Compagnie des Alpes.

F. Fassier, Directeur des opérations domaines de Loisirs

Part of Compagnie des Alpes international development strategy, we are offering our know-how and expertise to our partners as support services to create and operate new leisure sites, for ski areas and leisure parks. We have put in Binext hands the management of the software selection and of the sales solutions implementation to be used in the new park Sindibad in Casablanca. Binext’ multidisciplinary skills and methodical project management behaviour have ensured our action and have led us to confidently choose the sales tools fitting best our partner’s needs and to deliver a turnkey solution.

D. Pons, Directrice Développement International et Nouveaux Métiers

Click here for "Sodexo" testimonial.

The brand Bateaux Parisiens covering the activities of Dinner Cruises, Sightseing Cruises and Batobus Cruise on the Seine, is attached to the Sports and Leisure Division of Sodexo.

Totaling approximately 3.5 million passengers per year, the Bateaux Parisiens – Batobus have attracted nearly 50 % market share on one of their 21 panoramic boats , including 6 offering catering services, 7 guided cruise and 8 tourists transportation.

Bateaux Parisiens are operated 365 days a year , with 300 employees.

La compagnie des Bateaux Parisiens filiale de Sodexo et la concession de Batobus opérée par Sodexo, ont mis en chantier le renouvellement de leur Système de commercialisation et de réservation qui est constitué de 3 progiciels indépendants. L’objectif de ce projet est l’équipement d’un système unique permettant de commercialiser toutes les prestations quelle que soit la marque.

Afin de



Whether you are already using a ticketing software or you are thinking about acquiring a solution, we help you throughout your entire project. We help you select  the best solution for your needs and implement it across your company to enhance your operational performance and to optimize your revenues.


A well organised and efficient access control process will enable to minimise fraud, increase revenue, collect valuable visitor/customer data and guarantee improved client satisfaction by regulating the flow of visitors or travellers. We help you on your access control project, analysing processes in place, identifying areas of improvement and helping you set-up the necessary technical or procedural solutions.


Your ticketing and access control systems are the source of valuable data which, correctly extracted and organised, will allow you to make at right decisions at the right time. We help you collect and harmonise your data, implement the relevant BI tools and build the relevant reports with pertinent indicators to help you monitor your activity and make relevant operational and strategic decisions.


Collecting, organizing and analysing client information will help you gain their loyalty, turn them into prescribers for you and make the best of your marketing campaigns by targeting relevant customer segments. We help you set-up processes to collect relevant information about your clients and to feed this into a CRM solution adapted to your needs.


Yield/revenue management allows you to maximise your revenues and better spread your operational constraints. This activity has transformed the travel and hospitality industries, allowing them to dramatically improve their margins by proposing packaged or unbundled services to fit more closely to their clients expectations. Whether you already have a revenue management activity in place or you are starting from scratch, we help you identify key parameters and develop a dynamic pricing offer adapted to your clients’ needs in order to maximize your revenues and tailor your offer.


Dematerialized or contactless tickets, cashless solutions, new technologies geared towards customer experience are some of the innovative directions which we can help you with – from concept to implementation – to build the future of your activity.


Strategy & innovation

Binext is in a unique position to help you define your innovation strategy. We bring together our experience and understanding of the culture, leisure and travel industries combined with our curiosity and skills in the new and upcoming technologies. Thanks to our know-how and prior project / study experience in mobile technology, cartography, e-tickets and contactless technologies we are the ideal partner to help you project what your business will look like tomorrow and shape this into a sound and pragmatic long-term plan.

Transformation projects

1. Assess your needs

Your ticketing solution no longer suits your needs? You have to implement an access control process and solution? You wish to implement a CRM, or to put in place a relevant Business Intelligence tool?  We help you take the first step to these transformation or re-engineering projects by carrying-out a thorough and complete analysis of your current and foreseeable needs.

2. Select the most adapted solution

You have a clear and complete description of your needs formalised in a requirements document but you need help to find the best solution to cover these needs? We can help you run a broad RFP to select the best solution for your project.

3. Implementation

You have selected a technological solution from the market or you have decided to develop your own tailor-made technical solution; we can help you run your implementation project to make the best of this solution and ensure buy-in from all stakeholders in your organization.

Operational support

You have implemented a new ticketing solution but you lack the qualified resources to manage the maintenance of this new tool, quickly configure your new pricing scheme, train your operational staff or provide them with a pertinent first level support? We can help you manage these tasks, either to face a punctual need or a more permanent one to avoid recruiting a dedicated trained resource for an activity that doesn’t justify it. We jointly define the scope and the response-time of our services and identify on-site / off-site activities to ensure optimal reactivity and availability.




is our main asset and our key strength; we are fully independent from software editors and therefore in a position to provide objective and reliable advice to our clients


giving priority to the most realistic option in order to be more efficient is always the best choice; it is in this framework that we lead our missions, fully dedicated to the operational performance of our clients.


you are the best experts of your business and we are not there to tell you how to run it; our added value resides in our capacity to help you identify and clearly formulate your needs and help you set up the proposer tools and systems accordingly in order to excel


we were not “born and raised” consultants; we have been working many years in companies similar to yours on ticketing & related projects before becoming experts in this domain. This translates into a very different approach to our work with clients versus the more traditional consulting companies


we want to bring new vision and foster creativity fuelled by all the possibilities that new and upcoming technologies can bring to improve your performance and your operations; this is a core value for Binext – we are curious and tech savvy by nature and we are excellent at turning new technological possibilities into functional and pertinent business solutions


Thomas LAFFOURCADE holds a DESS (Masters) in Finance from Assas University in Paris.

Thomas started his career with Bouygues constructions in Gabon and in Paris before working for Orphan Europe – a specialized pharmaceutical company – where his role as financial manager led him to drive a very large ERP implementation project.
In 2007 Thomas kicked off his consulting activity as finance controller and IT project manager. He has worked for many clients in the industry and more recently has been helping “La Compagnie de Alpes” to coordinate and rationalize its ticketing and sales solutions projects.


Binext Consulting

10 rue des islettes

75018 Paris

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